One would think that by now Adin Ross’ reputation as Kick’s enfant terrible would have reached even the darkest corners of the web. It seems that some, including MikeSmallsJr, are still unaware.
The streamer got a rude awakening when he learned that Adin Ross wouldn’t transfer the $70,000 he allegedly promised in his hurricane survival challenge last Tuesday. The revelation came during MikeSmallsJr’s own livestream, where it turned out that he traveled to Florida and risked his life for nothing.
It’s safe to say that not too much careful consideration went into Adin’s announcement to pay $70,000 to any Kick streamer that would chase the hurricane. MikeSmallsJr but also some other streamers, took the bate and geared up for some extreme weather chasing.
What Adin only realised too late was that by encouraging viewers to risk their lives, he also got himself into trouble. The streamer swiftly replied to Mike in his last stream, saying that there will be no payout.
In fact, Adin would likely make himself liable for any harm that could happen to the participants of the challenge. It appears that his lawyer had a word or two with the Kick streamer about the challenge. Most fans are not too surprised to see Adin back pedal on the claim. After all, this is not the first time that Adin doesn’t stick to the facts.
Lucky no streamer got injured, but unfortunately the event is a continuation of a series of increasingly dangerous streams where creators endanger themselves and others to gain viewers. Lately, Kick has become the top spot for boundary-pushing streamers. Hopefully, all streamers got the memo now and understood the hurricane challenge was nothing but an empty promise.