Tectone doubles down on Frogan over racist remarks

E chu ta an do padda-Frogan!
Two men in split-screen video discussing on livestream.
Hasan reacting to a reaction on a reaction (Image via HasanAbi on Twitch)
  • Tectone harshly criticized Frogan for racist remarks and her appearance on his latest stream.
  • Many Twitch fans take Tectone's side and accuse Frogan of hypocrisy.
  • Hasan's attempt at protecting Frogan has backfired as the community cheers for Tectone.

The Tectone-Frogan feud is going into the next round. John Robertson, better known as Tectone, is back at it again after comparing Frogan to Star Wars character Jabba the Hutt during his latest Twitch stream.

The OTK member slammed Forgan’s previous racist comments about Ludwig and took some heavy shots at her appearance. After Tectone stirred up some drama by calling Frogan “Jabba the Hutt” earlier this week, he doubled down on his statement while reacting to a clip by HasanAbi.

Tectone’s rant about Frogan’s appearance might seem superficial, but there is also a deeper core to it. The OTK streamer is making these childish comments to expose Frogan’s own superficial remarks.

“If you have a problem with someone body-shaming you, then maybe don’t race shame” is the message that Tectone sends out to his fans. The Twitch community overwhelmingly celebrated his stubbornness and agreed with him. It almost seems as Hasan’s attempt to protect Forgan backfired and even created a bigger focus on Frogan’s hypocrisy.

Many fans believe that it’s only a matter of time until Frogan and the crew around Hasan verbally retaliate during one of their coming streams.

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