Adept demands $10 million from xQc in new California lawsuit

Only 48 states to go.
Streamer engaging with chat on Twitch stream.
xQc talking about Adept's latest attempt at grabbing some cash (Image via xQc on Twitch)
  • xQc faces another lawsuit from ex-partner Adept in California.
  • Adept's palimony claim is on shaky legal ground.
  • xQc is not worried about claims.

Canadian streamer xQc can’t catch a break as his ex-partner Adept hurls another lawsuit his way, this time from sunny California. The legal drama between these two just cannot come to an end. xQc explained in his latest stream that he was contacted by Adept lawyers seeking to settle the dispute with a $10 million payment.

Adept, known online as adeptthebest, is seeking some break-up bucks although the two were never legally married. However, California doesn’t recognize common-law marriage, making Adept’s case as shaky as can be.

xQc clearly stated in his stream that he is not worried about the lawsuit and knows that his ex-partner has no legal ground for any claims. Just in September it turned out that Adept unrightfully sold xQc’s car after the break-up without a possibility of him to recover it.

The two have already been through a legal tussle that ended in xQc’s favor. So why is Adept back for round two? Most fans think it’s a pressure play to get the Canadian to cough up some cash outside of court.

Legal experts aren’t putting much faith in Adept’s case. They say she’ll need to prove a lot to win a palimony claim, especially if her own career took off during their relationship.

If Adept keeps filing lawsuits without solid ground, she might find herself in legal trouble, though. Repeated baseless claims could lead to accusations of harassment. Let’s see if Adept finally admits her defeat or if she will keep suing Félix in one of the remaining 48 states.

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